Estes Personal Injury & Car Accident Lawyers

Richmond Oilfield Accident Lawyer

Working in the oil industry is one of the most dangerous professions out there. Tragically, injuries and deaths on the job are relatively common. Despite staggering statistics on these accidents, safety precautions are still often ignored.

If you or a loved one have experienced a life-changing accident while working in the oil industry, don’t hesitate to consult a lawyer to see what your options are. You don’t have to just accept the incident and move on. While financial compensation cannot undo your pain and suffering, it may be able to ease the harsh transition following your accident.

Estes Personal Injury & Car Accident Lawyers is home to some of the top experienced, compassionate personal injury attorneys in Texas. Their knowledge is available to help you make the best choice as you move forward in your case.

Actions to Take Following the Incident

If you’ve been hurt in a Richmond oilfield accident, you need to take action to get the compensation you’re due. That can be difficult without a lawyer, who can help you take the right steps. 

If you’re unsure what steps to take, take the following steps with an attorney’s help: 

  • Record the names of those who were on-site at the time, including names, phone numbers, or emails
  • Write down your memory of the day you sustained your injury with as much detail as possible about when, where, and how you were injured 
  • Take photos or, if you are unable to take photos yourself, ask a coworker or lawyer to document the scene for you and send the pictures to you
  • Acquire as much relevant information from your employer as you can to file a claim and get compensated for your suffering and injuries

Taking these steps when you’ve just suffered a devastating injury isn’t easy. If you’re struggling to take any of these steps or you’re worried about making a mistake, reach out to your oilfield accident lawyer in Richmond about your options for compensation. We’re prepared to guide you through your case to the solutions you need. 

Occupational Hazards in Richmond Oilfields

The Occupational Safety and Health Association (OSHA) has identified several occupational hazards for oilfield workers. Occupational hazards are health and safety risks associated with specific jobs or workplace environments. These hazards can be chemical, physical, biological, or ergonomic, or involve exposure to elements over time.

 For oilfield workers, these hazards include:

  • Being involved in truck or motor vehicle collisions
  • Being caught in or stuck under or between heavy machinery
  • Falling from a height
  • Explosions
  • Fires
  • Being confined in a small, dangerous space
  • Electrical and mechanical hazards
  • Transporting heavy loads with the strength of a human body

This list of occupational hazards is not comprehensive and covers only the most common risks associated with working in the oilfield. Unfortunately, it is a very dangerous profession, working in difficult conditions with a volatile element, so things can go wrong in unexpected ways.

Common Injuries Experienced by Texas Oilfield Workers

In such a dangerous industry, injuries are not uncommon. Fatalities are unfortunately not rare, with car accidents making up the leading cause of death for workers in the oil and gas industry. The most common injuries that occur in the oilfield industry are as follows, but keep in mind that other types of injuries can also occur even if they aren’t listed here:

  • Head Injuries Concussions and skull fractures damage the cognitive functions of the body. Head injuries can cause long-term challenges in life, such as memory issues.
  • Neck and Back Injuries – Because of the heavy lifting involved in oilfield work, strain on the neck and back is common. Bad weather conditions can exacerbate the potential for more severe and even deadly neck and back injuries.
  • Broken Bones – Fractures, dislocations, and complete breaks can be painful and take a long time to heal. That may be weeks or months that you’re unable to work. 
  • Burns – Working with heavy machinery can easily result in severe burns. These burns can lead to permanent disfigurement or scarring. 
  • Soft Tissue Injuries – Repetitive motion often results in torn muscles and tendons. If an injury is not noted in time and the affected area is still used at the same rate, it can result in long-term damage.

Injuries can cause your life to come to a complete halt, and cause major financial distress. Between medical bills, unexpected time taken off work (and therefore lost wages), and other unforeseen expenses, debt can creep up on you all too quickly.

Find the Right Oilfield Accident Lawyer in Richmond

If you or someone you care about has suffered an accident while working in the Richmond oilfields, don’t wait to seek the legal recompense you deserve. The lawyers at Estes Personal Injury & Car Accident Lawyers are ready to tackle your claim. Your Richmond oilfield accident lawyer can help you get the answers you need for your claim. 

When you’re ready for a free consultation, reach out. Call 281-238-5400 or fill out the following online contact form.