Estes Personal Injury & Car Accident Lawyers

Richmond Bicycle Accident Lawyer

Protect Yourself on the Road and After an Accident

Biking is a fun way of keeping physically and mentally fit. It is a good alternative for going from one place to another minus the hassle of traffic and looking for a parking space. As a bonus, it is an environment-friendly replacement for cars. However, biking also poses several risks that may lead to a bicycle accident.

Richmond bicycle riders are covered by Texas bicycle laws, which aim to protect them from accidents. The laws also effectively require all motorists to respect the rights of bicycle riders when on the road. Your local Richmond bicycle accident lawyer is familiar with bike laws and can help you if you’ve been in an accident.

The Dangers of Biking 

Despite the laws and the provision of biking paths, bicycle riders still face great risks on the road. Unlike car drivers, bicycle riders do not have the protection that a motor vehicle’s body, seat belts, airbags, and other safety features cars offer, so that when they get hit, chances of getting injuries are high. Risk is also high for pedestrians.

Some motorists are not aware of Texas bicycle laws and may unknowingly put bicycle riders at risk. Worse, some of them are distracted while driving—talking on the phone, sending text messages, or simply not being attentive. 

When you are a bicycle rider and get hit by a motor vehicle, the probability of getting injured is high. In some cases, the impact of the accident can injure your spinal cord, back, or brain or fracture your cervical neck. These may create psychological and emotional trauma and a big dent in your finances, which may worsen when you lose workdays because of your injury.

What to Do in a Bicycle Accident 

Get eyewitnesses’ names and contact details when a motorist hits you and you are conscious after the accident. Request someone to write the information for you if you can’t do it yourself. The information is essential when you file charges against the responsible party. 

Take photos of the bicycle accident, including your helmet and bike. It’s important to have proof of the damages caused by the accident. Do not throw away or repair the damaged bike and helmet before taking photos because they will form part of the evidence when you decide to file for compensation for things like emotional trauma, physical injuries, and loss of income.  

Get medical help. Keep your medical records, including photos and prints showing the extent of your injuries. Do not forget the invoices of your medical expenses related to the injuries. If you miss work due to your injuries, you could get compensation for your time off.

While you are in the hospital, a representative of the defendant’s insurance company might approach you to discuss the accident. Either they convince you to go into a settlement or might manipulate you into saying things they may use against you. Don’t entertain them. 

File a police report to ensure there is an official record of the bicycle accident or crash. 

The process of filing for compensation can be tedious. You may not attend to it right away when you are badly injured, especially if your injury takes time to heal. But waiting to file charges until you get better might forfeit your chances of claiming compensation—Texas’ statute of limitations on personal injury is only two years from the date of the accident. 

Seek Professional Help from an Accident Attorney

Seek the help of a Richmond bicycle accident lawyer from Estes Personal Injury & Car Accident Lawyers to build your case and prove that your proportionate responsibility to the accident is 50% or less to secure compensation. You can call us at 281-238-5400, or you can fill out our online form.

Assert your rights. Do not worry about the expenses, because our bicycle accident lawyers do not charge unless they win the case for you.