Understanding how car insurance works often appears impossible. Many drivers are left confused after an accident, as they don’t know how to deal with its aftermath. To make the situation even more complicated, insurance companies are not on the client’s side. Proceeding with an informed decision can be a daunting process.
If you’ve been the victim of a car accident caused by another driver’s negligence, the attorneys at Estes Personal Injury & Car Accident Lawyers can help you understand your options when it comes to pursuing compensation. In this instance, many variables come into play, that’s why it’s crucial that you know how auto insurance works in Texas.
Insurance Is a Legal Requirement
By definition, auto insurance is a contract between the driver and an insurance company. This contract guarantees that as long as you pay your premiums, you’ll be able to collect compensation if unexpected events damage your health or your property.
You’re required by state law to have a minimum of $30,000 in liability coverage. If you don’t have this coverage, you may face penalties or pay out of pocket if you’re injured in a car accident.
Why You Can’t Trust Insurance Companies
Unfortunately, what’s written on the contract doesn’t reflect what actually happens after a car crash. It’s common for insurance providers to lowball you or look for a recorded statement that will drastically reduce your compensation. This can compromise your financial future.
Insurance companies are a business, and their focus is on protecting their profits. Providing you with a good settlement is something they want to avoid, as it would result in a loss. That’s why you must be extremely cautious when negotiating, as every statement you make can potentially be used as evidence against you.
Texas Is an at-Fault State
Accident laws and the legal process needed to pursue compensation change from state to state. When it comes to car accidents, Texas is an at-fault state, which means the other driver is responsible for compensating you for all damages you’ve suffered as a consequence of their negligent behavior. This is usually done through an insurance claim.
Many variables come into play in this scenario, especially if the at-fault party’s coverage is unable to cover all your expenses or if they’re uninsured. It’s recommended to speak with a reputable accident attorney to understand the impact of state laws on your case.
What Happens if You’re Partially Responsible?
Collisions between vehicles are never clear-cut. There’s always the chance you hold a certain degree of responsibility. Fortunately, Texas follows a modified comparative negligence rule, so you can still file a claim and seek compensation even when you’re partially responsible.
Keep in mind that it won’t be possible to receive the settlement amount you would have received if you weren’t considered responsible at all. According to negligence laws, the compensation collected from your insurance claim will be reduced depending on your percentage of fault. If you’re found to be more than 50 percent to blame for what happened, you won’t be able to recover any damages.
Connect with a Car Crash Lawyer for Guidance
From blaming your injuries on a pre-existing condition to accusing you of exaggerating, insurance adjusters will stop at nothing during negotiations. Our car crash lawyers at Estes Personal Injury & Car Accident Lawyers know how to deal with their strategies and negotiate accordingly. Let us speak on your behalf so we can obtain the compensation required to put this traumatic event behind you.
You can start now by calling 281-238-5400 or completing the contact form below. A Richmond car accident lawyer is ready to answer all your questions during a free case evaluation.