Estes Personal Injury & Car Accident Lawyers

Richmond Personal Injury Lawyer

Injured Because of Someone Else’s Negligence?

When you’re hurt in a serious accident, it can put your life on hold. You’re having trouble recovering from the injuries you suffered, and worse, the party responsible for your suffering is unwilling to take the blame or offer any help. That leaves you dealing with the aftermath of your accident alone. 

But you don’t have to accept these losses. You can speak with the lawyers at Estes Personal Injury & Car Accident Lawyers to take action. With a Richmond personal injury lawyer, you have a chance to get the funds you need to recover from your injuries.

Common Richmond Personal Injury Claim Types

Personal injury law can pertain to nearly any type of accident in which someone has been injured at no fault of their own. Typical personal injury claims have to do with car accidents, motorcycle accidents, swimming pool accidents, slips, trips, premises liability, and much more. In short, the only requirement for a personal injury claim is that someone was harmed at the fault of another. The goal of such claims is to provide the injured person with the compensation they need to cover medical bills, lost wages, and more.

When you’ve been injured by another person’s carelessness, you may have grounds for a lawsuit. But you might also be confused about the details of your claim. Different claim types can impact the way you and your Richmond injury lawyer handle your case. For example, the laws you may need to consider during a defective drug claim may be different from those impacting a medical malpractice claim

Below are just a few of the injury claim types you may seek help in recovering from: 

Damages Due for Injured Richmond Residents

After a serious injury, you need to know more than who’s liable. You need to know what your claim is worth. That can be tough to determine without help, so talk to your lawyer about the costs of your hardships after an accident, to pursue compensation called your damages.

First, your economic damages should cover the financial toll caused by your accident. Richmond residents shouldn’t pay out of pocket for expenses like medical bills, lost wages, and property damage.

But not all your damages can be added up. Your personal injury lawyer in Richmond can help you seek non-economic damages, too. These damages cover the intangible suffering you’ve experienced, which doesn’t have a price tag. Your lawyer can help you seek funds for losses such as pain and suffering or disfigurement.

Texas Law May Impact Your Claim

But recovering from your personal injury isn’t just about analyzing the costs you’ve suffered. Richmond residents may need to take action to protect their case and get the funds they’re due for their injuries. 

For example, you’ll need to act within Texas’ statute of limitations, or the deadline you have to file a claim. Residents only have two years to file. If you don’t act in time, your claim will be dismissed, and you’ll be unable to recover your funds. Talk with a lawyer if you believe your deadline is closing in.

Questions to Ask a Personal Injury Lawyer

Perhaps you understand all the benefits of working with a personal injury lawyer but aren’t quite sure where to start. When you choose Estes Personal Injury & Car Accident Lawyers as your representation, we’ll guide you every step of the way. Our team is happy to explain Texas law in-depth and give you a full understanding of your legal options. However, it’s always a good idea to have some questions in mind when you meet with a lawyer for the first time. At your first meeting, you may want to get answers to these questions:

  • What case-related costs will I need to pay?
  • How much time do you spend on each case?
  • How long will my case take?
  • Have you taken on similar cases?
  • How much compensation can I expect?
  • What kinds of damages might be available?